Ultherapy Eyebrows and Crow’s Feet

We all know it when we get a little older: you look in the mirror and see the skin on your eyelids drooping or sagging. It is because the skin on your forehead becomes less firm and sags a bit. It varies from person to person what age has on the skin. In some, it starts to droop more, in others it starts to wrinkle more – called crow’s feet.

This makes you look more tired than you feel. Creams (no matter how expensive…) offer no real solution, but the step to surgery is going too far for you. Still, you would like your eyelids to droop less. Then treatment with Ultherapy is the solution for you. The skin around the eyes is tightened, eyebrows lifted and crow’s feet significantly reduced.

Eyebrow elevator without surgery

Ultherapy is a highly effective treatment for sagging eyebrows without injecting or cutting anything into your skin. Through ultrasound energy, sound waves are delivered to the lower layer of skin. This stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin in your skin. Collagen and elastin provide young, elastic skin. This is because the production of these substances decreases as you age, causing your skin to sag. 

With Ultherapy, you set the clock back a bit, so to speak, by stimulating the natural production of collagen in your skin. The result:the skin around the eyes is tightened, eyebrows lifted and crow’s feet significantly reduced. The treatment is virtually painless and no recovery time is required. However, the results can be seen quickly!

Ultherapy explained
The benefits of Ulthera